Just as I see it
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What do I paint?
When I paint out doors, I choose a subject and ask myself, “Why am I painting this?” Then I determine what part of a landscape interests me. I stop and think about it as I keep my focus- both visual and mental- on what attracted me to the subject in the first place. Then I include only elements that will enhance the subject, and leave out anything what will detract from the statement I want to convey. The painting should be about one thing and in this painting, it is the “View from Louie Road Bridge.” I wanted everything to be about the old cottonwood in the center of the painting. The creek in the foreground is used as an eye magnet to draw the viewer to the focal point, and the strongest dark and light are found there, too.
We spend much of our lives in a waking trance of retrospection, regret, distraction, idling, and disembodiment, using a wide range of addictions from TV to drugs to keep us from seeing the beauty that surrounds us. We rarely look out of the walls of our lives that hide the full glory of us being alive. Hour upon hour, we idly watch others on TV or at ballparks participating in being great and wonder why our lives are so completely empty. There is nothing great in vicariously living through others while we do nothing. What is the secret that can bridge the chasm of living a life that is empty and meaningless to one that is worth living? The secret to life is Art, and through art, we can discover and live a life full of true meaning.
Some people do not recognize beauty when they see it. However, we respond to those who have tapped into this secret. They seem more alive somehow, as if working from a more vivid palette. These enlightened people seem to deal with life in positive and powerful manner.
Auguste Renoir, who was crippled by arthritis most of his life, was asked by one of his students, “How do you paint with those hands?” He replied, “Pain passes, but the beauty remains forever.” Our 21st century lives are filled with fast food, fast entertainment, fast cars, and fast pleasure. We witness other people creating and doing what we know we should do ourselves. You are an artist among us whose life stands as proof of this transformational power. Your strength and talent is precious, and this power is available to anyone willing to learn.
When I paint out doors, I choose a subject and ask myself, “Why am I painting this?” Then I determine what part of a landscape interests me. I stop and think about it as I keep my focus- both visual and mental- on what attracted me to the subject in the first place. Then I include only elements that will enhance the subject, and leave out anything what will detract from the statement I want to convey. The painting should be about one thing and in this painting, it is the “View from Louie Road Bridge.” I wanted everything to be about the old cottonwood in the center of the painting. The creek in the foreground is used as an eye magnet to draw the viewer to the focal point, and the strongest dark and light are found there, too.
We spend much of our lives in a waking trance of retrospection, regret, distraction, idling, and disembodiment, using a wide range of addictions from TV to drugs to keep us from seeing the beauty that surrounds us. We rarely look out of the walls of our lives that hide the full glory of us being alive. Hour upon hour, we idly watch others on TV or at ballparks participating in being great and wonder why our lives are so completely empty. There is nothing great in vicariously living through others while we do nothing. What is the secret that can bridge the chasm of living a life that is empty and meaningless to one that is worth living? The secret to life is Art, and through art, we can discover and live a life full of true meaning.
Some people do not recognize beauty when they see it. However, we respond to those who have tapped into this secret. They seem more alive somehow, as if working from a more vivid palette. These enlightened people seem to deal with life in positive and powerful manner.
Auguste Renoir, who was crippled by arthritis most of his life, was asked by one of his students, “How do you paint with those hands?” He replied, “Pain passes, but the beauty remains forever.” Our 21st century lives are filled with fast food, fast entertainment, fast cars, and fast pleasure. We witness other people creating and doing what we know we should do ourselves. You are an artist among us whose life stands as proof of this transformational power. Your strength and talent is precious, and this power is available to anyone willing to learn.
If you are interested in experiencing a breakthrough weekend that will take your art to the next level, visit our new website at http://www.thegrandview.com/,You can download my FREE BOOK where I share “Everything I know About Painting.” At my websiteI hope that we can build a community of artists that can share information with each other.If you know of any artists that might appreciate being included, let them know about this blog.I hope to offer more painting tips as this conversation continues. If you have questions that you can email me anytimeStefan_Baumann@yahoo.com, please don’t hesitate to email me anytime.
I welcome your feedback
I welcome your feedback